Training Matters

New Competition!

We Book fOR yOU

to keep you trucking!”


I’m Sabastian the Owner / CEO of the NYTBF (New York Transgender Bodybuilding Federation) LLC.

The First Transgender Specfic Pro Sport in the World!
The NYTBF holds two Competitions in New York once a year. NYTBF-SPCC (Sabastian Pro Classic Competition) our trans specific pro lane, (Men Physique and Women Physique) NYTBF- AAPC (All American Pro Competition) our All Inclusive Pro fundraiser lane (Men Bodybuilding and Women Bikini), a portion of the proceeds go into our Athletic Scholarship Pros, which is a program for Transgender experience individuals combating mental health issues through any type of physical fitness or sport) and the rest back into our Trans Specific Pro lane.

Covid continued to hit us hard in 2022, which made it a rough year. In 2023 we had to make a lot of changes to account for the impact it had on many. We’re almost ready, but in 2024 we really need all the help / assistance we can get. Donations help with our venue expenses and our competitors monetary prizes, and trophies. We are working so hard from fighting past all the “No’s”. If you feel we belong or just deserve a fair chance to play pro sports, help support our dream in building an everlasting Pro Sports lane for us.

Our SPONSORS, Thank You!

Donate Sponsor, or become Affiliated

Wanna have your Name/Logo featured on the NYTBF website, backdrop, or in venue. Mentioned during press releases, flyers and social media. ½ table within venue. or Mutiple Verbal mentions threw out the event. General Admission tickets. 1 promotional Thank You Swag bags.

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